Our Services

Training & Professional Development

We create bespoke training programmes to address unconscious bias, discrimination, dialogue and communication.  

Unconscious / Implicit bias

Workforce development training exploring both explicit and implicit bias is crucial in understanding the various layers of prejudice.  Acknowledging and addressing both forms of bias is essential for fostering an inclusive environment.

Communication & Dialogue

Sometimes chat in the workplace can do more damage than we realise, and others might feel targeted or victimised by comments. This course helps us understand how important tone, word choice and body language can be, looks at how to convey a message in a positive way, and examines the barriers different individuals face in society.


Resources for teachers, local authorities, police forces, faith centres, voluntary organisations and other stakeholders covering topics including child sexual exploitation, domestic violence, forced marriage, healthy relationships and safety online.

Youth Engagement Staff Training

This course, aimed at youth workers and teachers, looks carefully and honestly at how to recognise issues affecting young people and how to encourage positive solutions. Understanding and exploring models of engagement, mentoring and coaching

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Designing customised training programmes focused on equality, diversity, inclusivity, and team building requires a strategic and inclusive approach.

Diversity & Belonging In The Workplace

Bespoke training to develop organisations to embrace belonging, diversity, and inclusion` while addressing both explicit and implicit bias and prejudice requires a multifaceted approach. 

Making Organisations More Inclusive

Training to support frontline staff to gain greater awareness and understanding of the ethnically diverse communities. Understanding that one size does not fit all. 

We will look beyond the surface to explore the root of the issues.


A course for practitioners, to help them understand their identity, know their rights and responsibilities, develop critical thinking skills to navigate the road ahead while understanding democracy.

Diversity & Faith

A short course looking at diversity, faith, stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice and how this then feeds into choices and how choices lead to actions that divide individuals.

Safeguarding In Faith-Based Institutions

A short course to help professionals within faith-based institutions to safeguarding young people against sexual exploitation.


Specialist in establishing educational resource packs for academic providers, local authorities, police forces, faith centres, third sector and other stakeholders covering topics ranging from Prevent, child sexual exploitation, domestic violence, forced marriages, safe relationships and E-safety.

Controlling Friendships

A course to help young people recognise when they are in, or in danger of being in, a coercive friendship. We will look at safeguarding, what makes a young person vulnerable to controlling friendships and how to take positive steps away from toxic situations.

Hate Crime

This course will give practitioners a firmer understanding of hate crime and specifically the rise of Islamophobia, how to address it and how to report without feeling targeted or intimidated.

Leadership vs Prevent

This four-day programme, run by an experienced Prevent practitioner, incorporates a diverse range of workshops and teaching materials to develop practitioners’ leadership skills and help them put theories of personal identity and social pressures into practice.

Parent & Young People Engagement Programme To Combat Bullying

A course designed to help parents talk with their children about bullying and other social and emotional issues. The focus is on communication, with support and guidance for identifying issues and finding solutions.

Research & Evaluation

We undertake peer reviews and seeking solutions on a broad-spectrum such as, recruitment, retention, talent management, workforce development.





This training is designed to help practitioners  develop themselves professionally and personally. understanding  different styles of leadership, confidence and self-esteem. 

By blending elements of leadership understanding, confidence-building, and self-esteem enhancement, practitioners can develop a more holistic skill set that benefits both their professional roles and personal growth.

Communication & Negotiation, Building High Performance Teams

This training programme is for practitioners to explore strategies of effective communication and understand how to build high performance teams. Effective communication and team building are fundamental for any successful organisation.

Equality Diversity & Inclusion

A workforce development programme focusing on a range of themes around equal opportunities, accessibility, inclusion and accountability, how they relate to individuals and workforces. We will look beyond the surface to explore the root of the issues.

Behaviour & Attitude

A powerful programme designed to help practitioner’s understand the impact of their attitude and behaviour and how this can impact workforce culture. 

Ideologies and misconceptions can create animosity which can only be cleared with facing yourself, education and sharing practice.
Learning empowers you as knowledge is the life of the mind.


Creating an environment within organisations that actively promotes dialogue, safe space discussions, mutual respect. 

Mothers Against Radicalisation & Grooming

This women-only programme, in partnership with Bradford Council and West Yorkshire Police, supports mothers who stand against radicalisation and grooming. It focuses on practical skills to tackle the threat of online grooming and looks at how to keep lines of communication open between you and your children. The course runs for two hours a week, and lasts for six to eight weeks.

The Parent & Teenager Engagement Programme

Teenagers today face many issues their parents didn’t. Sometimes this can lead to a feeling of distance, and a danger of the parent-child relationship breaking down. Our programme helps parents understand what teenagers are going through and explores methods to help strengthen the bond between the generations.

Stop and Search Rights

This project is specifically targeted at young people, to make sure they know their rights and what to do if they’re stopped by the police. Space to handle personal issues and share life experiences.