
Practitioners explore alienation and belonging, identity, rights responsibilities within Britain, understand the changes that are to come, decision making and its influence. Understand Democracy, where it comes from and how it is formed, what are my rights

For bookings or any further information please email:



“Thank you for your session, I learnt a lot. They have stated to create a working wall through some very deep discussions. They seem to have a lot to say and questions to raise. So well done for being so inspiring , engaging and raising the awareness of a very tender subject that has or may affect us all”-  Journey to Genocide- Ben Rhyding School

“A difficult subject to teach and make interactive, but the session delivered in an interactive and thought provoking way from the staff. Young people were animated and discussing those difficult subjects intelligently. It made them consider and question. Empowering Minds handled the group calmly yet with obvious knowledge and passion for justice” – Journey to Genocide Participants