I first met Sofia whilst I was studying my A-levels. From a young age, I always knew what I wanted to be when I was older, I just didn’t know how to get there. I have always admired Sofia and the work she has done since the first day I met her. I could see her passion and fire when it came to making a difference in the lives of her young people.

Not only did Sofia do what her job role stated, she always went the extra mile, providing me with the stepping stones I needed in order to get to where I am today. I can hand on heart say that without Sofia, it wouldn’t have been possible.

Sofia provided me with opportunities I would never have gotten, had she not believed in me. Not only did Sofia, help me realise my potential, she encouraged and empowered me to always be the best that I can be. In such a short amount of time, I was able to accomplish more than what I had set out for myself, and it really wouldn’t have been possible without Sofia. As a mentee, I learnt a lot from Sofia, the way she conducted herself whilst working with different clientele groups, and how she showed dedication and commitment. I was this loud and foul-mouthed, 16-year-old, who took nothing seriously.

Today, I can proudly say that I am a changed person, a young woman with now a sense of direction and  a year away from becoming a qualified Youth and Community Worker, with tons of experience, both as a young person and as a worker. I will forever be grateful to Sofia, for all the time and effort she put into me and my future. Thank you 🙂